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Fashion 2011
Trand Fashion

Friday, September 18, 2009


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "You should be embarassed!!":

"Please don't flatter yourself and call that artwork.deviant art is like getty images for design.you said 'stealing' hmm did s/he put his/her name for the design? Guess not. So it's not stealing then.

By the way, things like these have happened before, right? Why don't you stop complaining and start doing something to prevent others from stealing your so precious 'artworks'? What you do is bragging, and people hate that kind of snobbish attitude.

PS. Your face looks weird in the photo.
PS 2. Maybe you won't publish my comment but I just want you to know what others think about you."

FYI, you are more than welcome to think that I am snobbish and look weird, and I find no reason to not publish your comment. One thing you need to know though, that Getty Images is a site that provides royalty-free stock photography and editorial images, while DeviantArt is an online community showcasing various forms of user-made artwork.

Moral of the day: Do some research before you yap.

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