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Fashion 2011
Trand Fashion

Saturday, August 8, 2009


In between all the sneezing and watery eyes...a lovely surprise arrived at my door...:)

Like it? I LOVE IT! Thank you soooooooo much, Agnes...Indonesia is proud of you for making batik look so good! :)

The pair on the left comes with 7cm-heels...I must say that the heels are extremely comfortable, unlike many other local shoe brands...

Can't wait to wear the other pair out! Yayy!! Visit Kulkith here :)

Also, the Vivienne Westwood for Melissa knock-off shoes I ordered from Toko Dua Amoi have arrived...I'm surprised by how they look so alike with the original one, really...anyway, Toko Dua Amoi was so nice to include some freebies; a studded belt and floral lace tights!! Thank youuuuuu :)

Have a splendid Saturday night, y'all! As for me, I'll just watch some DVDs and get some more rest...muahhh!! :)

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