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Fashion 2011
Trand Fashion

Monday, April 20, 2009

Tagged by the Ribbon Girl

What is your current obsession?
caesar salad with lots of cheese

What is your weirdest obsession?
my friend told me that being obsessed to salads is weird

What are you wearing today?
black blazer, grey shirt, bib necklace, pink sarong

What’s for dinner today?
would love that caesar salad please

Why is today special?
because it’s Kartini’s Day, the day of emancipation for us Indonesian women

What would you like to learn to do?

What’s the last thing you bought?
acid wash scarf from Cotton Ink

What are you listening to right now?
some guy talking on Honda’s TV commercial

What is your favorite weather?
a cold summer. That happens when I’m in an air-conditioned room, during summer :D

What is your most challenging goal right now?
that's a secret I'll never tell

What do you think about the person who tagged you?
ultra great taste of fashion…and did I say, uber cute too? :)

If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be?
somewhere near the beach

What would you like to have in your hands right now?
a knuckle ring and a spoon of caesar salad hahahha

What would you like to get rid of?
some meeting I have to attend. Get rid does not mean skipping it, instead, go through it quickly so I can head home soon hehehe.

Wf you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
New York or London

Which language do you want to learn?

What do you look for in a friend?

Who do you want to meet in person?
Sharjeel, please?

What’s your favorite type of music?
rock, whatever kind.

What’s the favorite piece of clothing in your own closet?
my black mini skirt. I wear it too often though

What is your dream job?
marketing expert

Any favorite models?

If you had £100 now what would you spend it on?
shoes :D

Favorite designer?
I hate this question.

Fashion pet peeve?
leggings as pants. Yuck.

Do you admire anyone’s style?
I admire lots of people's style! I admire those who have the guts to boldly wear things that people never think of. Too many to mention.

Describe your personal style
Sometimes colorful, sometimes not. Wear skirt and tights very often. I need to go the toilet so I’m typing this in a hurry. sorryyyy

The rules:
1. respond and rework: answer the questions on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your own invention, add one more question of your own. (disclaimer: i don't do this, because i don't know how to aswer my own question, and can't even think of one right now).
2. tag eight other people.

I pass this on to:
1. Bebelicious
2. Dreamecho
3. Lala the Art Geek
4. The creme de la crop
5. Fashion Maverick
6. I Need More Drama
7. Nice and Shiny
8. That's Chic

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